A type of massage in Thai style and no oil is applied. Thai massage uses gentle pressure on specific points also includes compressions and stretching. The combination of rocking, gentle pressure and passive stretches to relax, recharge your entire body, improve flexibility, relive pain, reduce both muscle tension and mental fatigue. Rebalance the body’s energy via a pumping action which is connected with the breathing. Enjoy the benefits of the good massage not only relaxing and pampering.

Open daily: 10 a.m.~ 10 p.m.
Tel : ( 66 ) 80 777 2131 or ( 66 ) 81-386-4386
Email: khunkamassage@gmail.com
Adress: 80/7 Rachdamneon Rd., Sriphum, Muang, Chiang Mai, Thailand
By Khunhwanna co., Ltd
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