The massage is manipulation of the soft tissue of the body using the hands with application of herbal oil. Increase circulation, allowing the body to pump more oxygen and nutrients into tissues, relaxes and softens injured and over used muscles. The oil massage to purify and balance both body and mind also it is good for healing emotional. It satisfies the need for caring nurturing touch. The human touch connects one person to another and the feeling shared are healing and energizing emotionally. Touching is a natural human reaction to pain and stress and for conveying compassion and support.

Open daily: 10 a.m.~ 10 p.m.
Tel : ( 66 ) 80 777 2131 or ( 66 ) 81-386-4386
Adress: 80/7 Rachdamneon Rd., Sriphum, Muang, Chiang Mai, Thailand
By Khunhwanna co., Ltd
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